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Celebrity Apprentice recap February 9, 2008

Posted by bluenoser in the apprentice, the celebrity apprentice.
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The Apprentice logoI have a problem.  I’m the “project manager” of this blog and need to write a re-cap of last night’s Celebrity Apprentice.  I really struggle, however, when it comes to making decisions.  So what do I write about?  I like to have people make decisions for me, so let’s put it to a vote.

If you would like me to write about the ongoing war of words between Omarosa and Piers, raise your hands.  This could be an interesting subject, especially since Omarosa said that she may be a “has-been” but it’s better than being a “never-was” like Piers.  Three words, Omarosa–pot, kettle, black.  Piers is a major newspaper executive and one of the stars of a highly rated American TV show.  You were on The Apprentice once, and you didn’t even win.  You were right on one thing, though–Piers is in your world now.  And he’s beating you like a drum.  I just had a distubing thought: have you ever seen one of those shows where the two characters that absolutely despise each other wind up having a passionate love affair?  Naaaah…..

If you would like me to write about Stephen changing sides, raise your hands.  It’s sad, really.  You could see his manhood fade a little while he threatened to make like Vinny and quit.  After talking to Trump, he was more than happy to work for Empresario.  Turns out he didn’t want to quit period, he wanted to quit Piers.  You could see that manhood vanish a little more when he said that he would be happy merely getting coffee for the girls.  It was really faint when he said, after all of this, that he had a previous engagement and couldn’t make the next task.  By the time Epresario told Trump they did not want him, it had completely disappeared.  Trump fored Empresario to take him, but Stephen truly is a man without a country.

If you would lkie me to write about the assignment, raise your hands.  In a task that looked to clearly favour Empresario, the teams had to put together a live window display involving Vera Wang’s dresses and Serta mattresses (which makes sense–when one things of a Serta mattress, the next thought is almost always of a wedding dress).  While Empresario was plagued by a lack of creativity and a hyper Marilu Henner acting like a walking double cappucino, Hydra had a project manager who couldn’t make a decision and called everybody “son”.  So why did a bunch of guys win a task that was seemingly tailor-made for Empresario?  People have one mouth and two ears because they should listen twice as much as they talk.  Trace Adkins understands this.  He picked up on the fact that Vera was looking for something different and creative.  The result was a vivid Mark Antony & Cleopatra “classic romance” window as opposed to the nice-yet-unoriginal wedding theme of Empresario.

If you would like me to write about the weekly Empresario segment of the show, aka the boardroom, raise your hand.  I have a hard time watching the boardroom scene; watching other people make decisions just doesn’t agree with me.  I would have made the wrong decision about who to fire, anyway.  Looking at Omarosa, Marilu and Nely in the boardroom I would have fired Omarosa.  As Piers said, she’s lost 2 out of 3 challenges as project manager.  If she can’t beat a bunch of boxers, actors, ultimate fighters and supermodels in “her world”, maybe it’s time for her to move to Venus.  Trump decided that Nely, a TV producer, did not speak up when it was clear that the wedding theme was not a good idea.  Adios, Nely!

Well, that’s all for now.  Thanks for helping me make my decision.  I would love to hear from you but if you are going to leave a comment, please raise your hand first. 


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